How can I boost YouTube videos for free?
1. Find the keyword
In SEO, everything starts with the main topic and translating it into a keyword.2. Craft your headline
Put your main keyword, preferably, at the beginning of the video title, and don’t forget that your title has to be catchy, compelling, keyword-optimized, and natural.
3. Add a description
If, for example, you want to post a video about a new video game coming out, you’d probably have to mention in the description the game’s title, and some extra keywords like “new video game,” or even the company that is releasing it.
4. Use tags
YouTube tags work as guides for the YouTube algorithm to get a sense of your video so it can deliver it as related content next to videos from other YouTubers. Of course, they play an essential part in YouTube search results and how high your videos are going to rank too.
How to Promote YouTube Videos on Social Media for Free
You know how it goes. If you’re not on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc. you’re nonexistent. This interconnected world is full of information and, of course, people who might as well be your potential viewers.With that being said, social media are not just among the best places to promote YouTube videos. Let’s take a look at the most prominent networks, which are no others than Facebook and Instagram.
1. How to promote your YouTube channel on Facebook
1. Post sneak peeks
2. Become part of a community
3. Create a Facebook page
2. Become part of a community
3. Create a Facebook page
2. How to promote your YouTube channel on Instagram
1. Switch to a professional account
2. Pay attention to the analytics
3. Post regularly
4. Instagram TV
Forums: The Best Places to Promote Your YouTube
See if you have any YouTube content relevant to these conversations that you can promote. If not, create some. Join the conversation and tell other participants that you’ve posted a YouTube video on this topic.
See if you have any YouTube content relevant to these conversations that you can promote. If not, create some. Join the conversation and tell other participants that you’ve posted a YouTube video on this topic.
Best Old-School Ways to Promote YouTube Videos
YouTube collaborations
Contests and giveaways
YouTube hashtags
Our eyes have become so familiar with hashtags on social media, that we instinctively want to click them. Add a hashtag to your title and make it topic-specific.
Contests and giveaways
YouTube hashtags
Our eyes have become so familiar with hashtags on social media, that we instinctively want to click them. Add a hashtag to your title and make it topic-specific.